The present staff strength of the Corporation is 140 as on 30.06.2011 with an Annual salary burden of Rs. 2.48 Cores The year-wise and category-wise staff strength are as follows:

Sl. No Item Fig. in (Rupees.)
1 Government in ST & SC Devp. Deptt. 18,10,95,025.00
2 Government of Indian in Ministry of Tribal Affairs. 15,52,00,000.00
3 Govt. of Odisha in Agriculture & Co-op. Deptt. 49,25,000.00
4 Co-operative Societies. 1,46,800.00
5 Panchayat Samities. 30,12,000.00
6 Individuals  3.00




During the period from 1972-73 to 2006-07, the Corporation has achieved total Purchase turnover of Rs,24489.87 lakhs and Sales turnover of Rs. 27,266.15 lakhs on SAP (including Paddy Procurement), MFP , Consumer goods and Petroleum products and earned a margin of Rs.3200.94 lakhs. After meeting the trade expenses, royalty & taxes of Rs. 2350.03 lakhs, the Gross Profit of the Corporation stood at Rs. 850.91 lakhs.


The business activities of the Corporation for the period from 1971-72 to 2006-07 is as follows:

Category Purchase Sale Closing stock
S.A.P.(inc.Paddy) 4955.46 5211.85 366.44
M.F.P. 7554.39 9508.85 9.96
Consumer goods. 11980.02 12545.45 48.26
Total 24489.87 27266.15 424.66

Differential Margin Rs. 3200.94 lakhs (Sale + Closing Stock – Purchase)
Less: Trade Expenses Rs. 2350.03 lakhs
Gross Profit. Rs. 850.91 lakhs