Paddy Procurement

Paddy Procurement- Procurement Detail for KMS 2017-18.

TDCCOL is also associated in Paddy procurement under the central pool scheme of Govt. of India as State Procuring Agency since 2006-07 and was operational in different Districts. The highlights of Paddy Operation of TDCCOL are as below:
• Associated as State Procuring Agency along with OSCSC, MARKFED, NAFED under Central Pool Scheme of GoI.
• TDCCOL procures about 30000 MT CMR every year.
• During last KMS, TDCCOL had procured about 30000 MT CMR and fulfilled its 100% target allocated.
• Profit mobilized through Paddy operation is the major earning source of TDCCOL for its management. The Corporation earns more than Rs.2.50 crores in every Khariff Marketing Season out of paddy operation.

KMS CMR Target CMR Achieved Profit Generated Rs. in crores
2015-16 44721 M.T. 44721 M.T. 4.12
2016-17 30017 M.T. 30017 M.T. 2.79
2017-18 10000 M.T. 9850 M.T. 0.61